Friday, September 28, 2012

6 out of 10

Sleep: 12:45 AM - 8:45 AM (8 hours)

Felt rotten during the workday. Dizzying symptoms at times and awful in the morning. Achy/toothache feeling in left foot and left leg in the morning. Last night while at a friends watching football became very hot, pounding heart, dizzy, feeling adrenal fatigue very badly. Energy level at work was not high. Achy neck. Groggy/cloudy feeling in my head. Left calf feels tired upon waking up.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

5.5 out of 10

Sleep: 1:15 AM - 8:15 AM (7 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
Fish Oil (twice)
Gene Eden (3 capsules total)

Pumpkin Latte
Green Tea
White pomegranate tea
Chicken Salad Wrap
Steamed Vegtables
Hot Dog

Felt okay during the workday, felt absolutely horrible during the evening hours especially after eating. Exhaustion type feelings and pounding heart. Felt extremely full after dinner. Exhaustion fire feeling inside the joints. Only symptom during day-time workday was cramping and dead feeling in left foot/ankle/leg. Still some pain inside the left knee joint. Had some odd kidney & back pain feelings, pain subsided. Main symptom is fatigue and pounding heart/rapid heart rate with only slight exertion at night (ex. picking up dog, walking across room).

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

7.5 out of 10

Sleep: 12:45 am - 8:15 am (7.5 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
1 package vitamin C
Fish Oil (twice)
Gene Eden (3 capsules total)

Pumpkin Latte
Green Tea
Trail mix granola
White tea
10 power berries
Chicken Salad Sandwich

Bad left knee pain. Leg weakness is not present even now 11:30 at night. Some fatigue felt, and feels like my body is fighting back rapid heartbeat although the heart isn't beating rapid. Energy level during workday seems to be improving. 8/10 or 9/10 for energy level during the day today. Still not quite up to physical activity. Nose drainage and mucus especially upon waking up. Lungs feel congested. Slight cough. No gland pain. Pain in the left knee and ankle is noticeable.

Monday, September 24, 2012

6 out of 10

Sleep: 11:00 pm - 8:30 am (9.5 hours) Today's supplements: Garlic Biotin Colloidal Silver 1 package vitamin C Barleygreen Fish Oil (twice) Gene Eden Diet: Soy milk latte at Starbucks Salad Squash, Zucchini 10 power berries Hibachi Pomegranate white tea Green Tea Peach tea Symptoms Energy was decent through work day. Odd pain in left forearm. Cold seems to be improving, chest congestion and drainage continued gettig better through the day. Still recovering from out of town trip. The night prior, slept only four hours. Seemed to hit a major wall after dinner this evening. Legs became very weak and fatigue felt all through the body. Odd feeling in stomach. Left foot total twitching pretty rampant. Discovered left foot pain inside the joint. Very similar to pain that is inside left shoulder upon pressing it. Energy during work day was probably 8/10 but leg weakness at the time of this post is bad. Legs are shaky and weak. Have went to the bathroom 6 or 7 times since returning from trip. Groin pain has nearly subsided fully. Wondering if groin pain was body fighting off infection + mononucleosis and other ailments.

Monday, September 17, 2012

8 out of 10

Sleep: 11:15 am - 8:15 am (8 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
1 package vitamin C
Fish Oil (twice)
Gene Eden

Pumpkin Tea at Starbucks
Chicken Quesadilla
tea blueberry
Cup of work coffee

Energy felt like 8/10 today. Groin pain was slight but noticeable still. Nauseous from around 11 PM onwards. Little or no leg or limb weakness today. Intermittent quick shooting aches in different parts of the body. This has improved since the weekend. Foot arch pain has also improved, minimal cramping today in it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

5 out of 10

Sleep: 12:30AM - 8:30 AM (8 hours)

Pumpkin scone
Caramel macchiato
Salad with tuna
Blueberry coconut energy bar
Salad bar
Turkey Wrap organic
Some Pudding

Vitamin C
Colloidal silver
Barleygreen (1x)
Fish oil (2x)
Gene-Eden (2x)

Awoke with chills, mucus thickness, sinus infection feelings, and achy pelvis/groin. Front of left knee was very achy and sore upon awakening. Achy pelvis continued into lunch hour. Drank coffee at 9:30, felt like death from that point until about 11:00 AM. Awful aches, pains, overall malaise. Mucus and sinus feeling seemed to subside and energy improved before lunch slightly. Maybe 5/10 energy. Body aches are just 2/10 in intensity. Spleen feels bulgy but not huge. Fullness after large lunch. Intense sneeziness in morning hours. As the day went on energy was 5 to 6 out of 10. Groin pain most specific symptom of the day and some leg weakness. Seemed like headache pain tried to start up but never came full on.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

7 out of 10

Sleep: 11:00PM - 8:00 (9 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
1 package vitamin C
Barleygreen once
Fish Oil (twice)
Gene-Eden (1 capsule lunch, 2 capsule evening)

Apple Cider
Salad with Salmon
Chipolte Salad
Green tea
Pumpkin Spice Latte

Energy level heavily improved. Only very slight pain and throbbing in left leg/lymph area of thigh. Had persistent headache from lunch until evening, waxing and waning in intensity. Still happy to have the headache and not lack of energy and weakness. Strength is back in arms and legs. Enerygy went from 1/10 to probably 7 or 8/10. Woke up with sinus feeling and lots of drainage. This went away by afternoon as did throat pain. Got a bit of an energy dip around 3:00 or 3:30. No rapid heartbeat today. Felt pretty badly upon waking up but that feeling went away quickly. Minimal aching and cramping in the foot, leg, and muscles in general.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3.5 out of 10

Sleep: 12:30 am - 8:30 am (8 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
2 packages vitamin C
Barleygreen (twice)
Fish Oil (twice)

Coffee - nonfat
tea blueberry
Green tea
Fiber bar

Very low energy level. Energy feels like only 2 out of 10. Energy seems to wax and wane with each hour. Extreme fatigue is the main symptom. Legs feel very week and tired, at times arms seem very tired. Muscle pain is mild today. Muscle Pain intensity is probably a 1 or 2 today. Felt the worst today after eating soup at 3:00 PM and felt badly after arriving to work and finishing coffee around 9:30 am. Walked once around neighborhood with the dog, upon completion felt wiped out again. Rapid heartbeat seemed to pick up after any exertion. Sinus-type feeling of slight sinus infection. Little bits of clear mucus. ALSO*** took several sprays of nasal steroid spray before bed last night for this. Spleen feels swollen and achy at times, stomach feels full despite not eating. Skin feels hot and temperate.