Friday, September 14, 2012

5 out of 10

Sleep: 12:30AM - 8:30 AM (8 hours)

Pumpkin scone
Caramel macchiato
Salad with tuna
Blueberry coconut energy bar
Salad bar
Turkey Wrap organic
Some Pudding

Vitamin C
Colloidal silver
Barleygreen (1x)
Fish oil (2x)
Gene-Eden (2x)

Awoke with chills, mucus thickness, sinus infection feelings, and achy pelvis/groin. Front of left knee was very achy and sore upon awakening. Achy pelvis continued into lunch hour. Drank coffee at 9:30, felt like death from that point until about 11:00 AM. Awful aches, pains, overall malaise. Mucus and sinus feeling seemed to subside and energy improved before lunch slightly. Maybe 5/10 energy. Body aches are just 2/10 in intensity. Spleen feels bulgy but not huge. Fullness after large lunch. Intense sneeziness in morning hours. As the day went on energy was 5 to 6 out of 10. Groin pain most specific symptom of the day and some leg weakness. Seemed like headache pain tried to start up but never came full on.

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