Wednesday, September 12, 2012

3.5 out of 10

Sleep: 12:30 am - 8:30 am (8 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
2 packages vitamin C
Barleygreen (twice)
Fish Oil (twice)

Coffee - nonfat
tea blueberry
Green tea
Fiber bar

Very low energy level. Energy feels like only 2 out of 10. Energy seems to wax and wane with each hour. Extreme fatigue is the main symptom. Legs feel very week and tired, at times arms seem very tired. Muscle pain is mild today. Muscle Pain intensity is probably a 1 or 2 today. Felt the worst today after eating soup at 3:00 PM and felt badly after arriving to work and finishing coffee around 9:30 am. Walked once around neighborhood with the dog, upon completion felt wiped out again. Rapid heartbeat seemed to pick up after any exertion. Sinus-type feeling of slight sinus infection. Little bits of clear mucus. ALSO*** took several sprays of nasal steroid spray before bed last night for this. Spleen feels swollen and achy at times, stomach feels full despite not eating. Skin feels hot and temperate.

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