Thursday, September 13, 2012

7 out of 10

Sleep: 11:00PM - 8:00 (9 hours)

Today's supplements:
Colloidal Silver
1 package vitamin C
Barleygreen once
Fish Oil (twice)
Gene-Eden (1 capsule lunch, 2 capsule evening)

Apple Cider
Salad with Salmon
Chipolte Salad
Green tea
Pumpkin Spice Latte

Energy level heavily improved. Only very slight pain and throbbing in left leg/lymph area of thigh. Had persistent headache from lunch until evening, waxing and waning in intensity. Still happy to have the headache and not lack of energy and weakness. Strength is back in arms and legs. Enerygy went from 1/10 to probably 7 or 8/10. Woke up with sinus feeling and lots of drainage. This went away by afternoon as did throat pain. Got a bit of an energy dip around 3:00 or 3:30. No rapid heartbeat today. Felt pretty badly upon waking up but that feeling went away quickly. Minimal aching and cramping in the foot, leg, and muscles in general.

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