Monday, November 26, 2012

4 out of 10

Sleep:  11:30 PM - 8:15 AM (8.5 hours)

Today's supplements:
Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Coconut Oil capsule
Vitamin B-12 x 2
Vitamin B Complex
Herbal fiberblend

Salad with chicken
Coconut juice
Coconut macaroon
Vegtable soup

-DIZZINESS! All day long
-BRAIN FOG! all day long
-Left leg pain, shooting pains high in intensity at points.
-Doubled over sucking wind with exhaustion after making the dog go in his crate, pounding heart.
-Felt groin pain a few times during day.
-Had some intense pains in left ankle
-Legs felt weak off and on but it wasn't that bad today.
-Head tried to hurt and form headache several times but never came full on.

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