Monday, October 1, 2012

3 out of 10

Sleep: 11:00 PM - 8:30 AM (9.5 hours)

Today's supplements:
Gene Eden
Gene Eden (1 capsules total at lunch)

Coffee w/ milk
Spaghetti Squash
Tomato, onion, cucumber
Green Tea

Woke up feeling unrested. Through the weekend felt the effects of the illness VERY badly. Helped a friend move on Saturday morning. Was bent over sucking wind after moving furniture or any exertion at all. Legs felt weak. Got only 3 hours sleep heading into Sunday morning. Might be feeling the effects of that today despite good sleep last night. Woke up with the extreme fear of Leukemia, and the symptom similarities I'm having. My groin hurt all day at work, I had testicle pain over the weekend. This is left sided. Groin pain seems to extend into the upper leg. Right side gland of neck is painful and tender again today. Felt AWFUL at work today, maybe a 3 of 10 day. Legs felt weak. Energy level was very down. Spent a lot of the day trying to read on leukemia. Headache lasted all day long. Not a pounding headache, just a headache I knew was there. Bruises are on my arms, very lightly. Knee pain and left foot pain still noticeable. Felt some loss of breath, difficulty catching my breath today where the heart pounds hard and I feel like I'm going to black out. Overall energy probably a 4/10 or 5/10. Spleen was very swollen over the weekend and was painful. Today it is still swollen some not painful.

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