Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 out of 10

Sleep:  1:00 AM - 8:30 AM (7.5 hours)

Today's supplements:
Barleygreen x 2
Vitamin D
Vitamin C

Hibachi Vegtable

HORRIBLE toothache pain in the left leg was improved. Still some shooting pain in the testicle groin area. This pain is not completely gone though, it was still noticeable. Worst symptom today was overall fatigue, spent most of the day worrying that my Lyme disease had returned. Felt some numbness in the left toes. Also felt very oddly dizzy/off balance today after lunch. Ordered more Transfer Factor LYMplus to combat the Lyme naturally. Energy level was down. Probably 4/10. Pain in the back, neck, shoulders, arms. Shooting pain variety.

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